Yesterday I went to work and learned that the company owners would pay me to not come there anymore. My job was gone. They were generous - offering severance and insurance and a no-contest with unemployment.
I could not focus as one of my ex-bosses spoke. The room was a foggy light of yellow. I felt very far away.
The day before, I had no idea this was coming. I was settled in a 5 year crevice of working there. I thought I had certainty with this job. But I didn't. Yesterday, as my bosses "ended our relationship", I was shaken to my core, grasping for something to hold on to. There was nothing there. They didn't want me there anymore.
Humans love certainty. I think the need comes with the experience of birth. The sudden mammoth pull of gravity creates a lust for solid ground. We want something to count on.
As I tried to make sense of what was being said to me, I was falling. There was nothing, in that moment, to count on. The boss I had worked with for a couple years was silent. The other boss was speaking so crisply, it hurt my ears. I was very, very sad.
Uncertainty was my companion. It had it's arms around my shoulder and was whispering nasty things to me.
Truth is, uncertainty is actually the constant. Nothing is guaranteed. The only real guarantee is the Present Moment. And I had that in full! I had it when I was working and I had that in the yellow room as I was being fired and I have it now. I am here. That is alot!!
They had boxes all ready for me and I was out of there before the other employees came in. The one boss wanted me out so much, he suggested I come back for my things. Why did I think they needed me?
It was not a good drive back home. I had trouble focusing. I felt like I had been body slammed.
Finally back home, the cats were surprised to see me. Our work schedule becomes a certainty for our pets. They knew it was Friday, but they were delighted to have me back so soon. They crawled out of their morning naps to greet me and tell me I'm great!
They spent the morning sitting on me as I tried to deal with this new uncertainty. I meditated and did some Tarot. The cards were celebratory. The uncertainty looked like a grand beginning. This ending, I felt in my gut, was long overdue.
Yet, I had held onto this job for security, for CERTAINTY!
This is a financially turbulent environment. In the last week, for instance, the stock market has been radically up and down. We hang on to jobs because we may not get another one soon. I did stay at that job simply because I had one. But, maybe I kept it because I was afraid.
I stayed in the job for certainty, for dependability, to pay the bills, to know where I was going every Monday morning. But, I had uncertainty right there at the job and didn't even see it.
Now it is clear and bright and bouncing around my apartment like tinkerbell. I need to laugh. I am free from a job I no longer enjoyed. I am free from a boss who was difficult to work with.
But the things that kept me in that job are screaming at me - "I'm not hirable because I'm old", "no one will want me no matter how much good work I can do", "I'll never find a job better than that one".
Fear helps us to create the illusion of certainty. We get 'stuck' because we're afraid to take the risk of uncertainty to try something different. But the truth is, we never have certainty anyway.
I should know that - my brother died suddenly at 23, my husband died at 37 after a 4 year battle with cancer. My adult life has not been certain at all.
From my readings of Buddhist writers, such as Thich Nhat Hahn, Pema Chodron and various authors on Tricycle, I am aware that my fear of uncertainty is a cause of suffering. I am experiencing it now. I see how I created a web that looked like certainty only to see it collapse in a second.
The most certain state is uncertainty. I know that, but I don't practice that awareness. I fight it.
I am trying to create certainty, here in this field of the unknown. I want a solid floor in my life and right now it is just not there.
I love meditating and getting to that place where nothing exists other than the fuzz I see and the noises I here. It is a very calm place to be, like hanging on a hook in the universe. I can do it there in meditation, but I can't seem to practice it in my everyday moments.
This is one of my dragons that is trying to teach me a new delight! Of that, I am certain....